Features Crawford Features Rotary club honors retiree

Rotary club honors retiree

Photo: (l-r) Wayne Koppa, Grayling Rotary Member, Ande Hentschel, Grayling Rotary President, Dr. Thomas Quinn, and Roy Spangler Roscommon Rotary Club Member. ~Photo courtesy of Matthew Rice

REGION- Members of the Grayling and Roscommon Rotary Clubs came together Thursday April 25 to honor Dr. Thomas Quinn as he retires as President of Kirtland Community College.  

Dr. Quinn is no stranger to Rotary and their projects benefiting local and global causes.  He has been recognized by Rotary in the past with a Paul Harris Fellowship, the most respected Rotary award, given for significant individual accomplishments.  

The Grayling Rotary meets for lunch on Wednesdays at the Dear Bear Brewery and the Roscommon Rotary Club meets on Thursdays at Fred’s.  Guests are always welcome.  

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